Moʿin Moṣavver | Individual Drawings and Paintings
Painting 1676.3
A Bashful, Pensive Youth, Seated
Location: London, British Museum, no.1920,0917,0.298.1
Painting: (H x W) 14.3 x 8.5 cm. Page: 19.2 x 12.5 cm.
Signature: Signed and dated 1087/1676.
On the right: dar šahr-e ṣafar ḥatm[?] bā ālhir va āl-ẓafar sana 1[0]87 mašqa moʿin-e moṣavver. Translation: “Drawn by Moʿin Moṣavver in the month of Ṣafar in the year 1[0]87/ April-May 1676”. The inscription is in the handwriting of Moʿin.
A youth is seated on the ground with his legs under him, facing the right. In his right hand he holds a gold cup on his lap, while covering his nose and mouth with his left hand. He wears a lilac colored turban decorated with a black aigrette, a long blue robe, and an gold-colored shawl that entwines around his arms, legs, and behind his back. On the ground to the right is a bowl, platter, some red fruit, and a burning candle that indicates that it is a night scene. The background consists of stylized plants, stones, and scroll clouds.
Stchoukine, SA_1964, p.68, and pl.LXXIXa.
The signed and dated inscription in Moʿin’s handwriting, the color scheme that borders on the brink of garishness, and the stylistic similarities with other Mo¯in works of similar subject matter confirm the validity of the attribution to the master (cf. 1676.6 and 1683.1).
Photo © The Trustees of the British Museum. Image available under Creative Commons license
Robert Eng
Last Updated: November 5, 2018 | Originally published: November 5, 2018