Rostam Rescues Bižan from the Pit
This painting is the most popular scene from the episode of Bižan in the pit and depicts Bižan, imprisoned in the pit, being rescued by the mighty Rostam, clad in his identifiable tiger and leopard skin cuirass, who braces himself as he is about to pull Bižan up from the pit on the end of his lasso.. The pit, a hollowed out “hill” rather than a hole going below ground, is roughly oval in shape, and shown in a peculiar cross-section as if the front half has been removed, permitting one to view inside. Bižan, here shown without any chains or shakles, sits at the bottom and loops Rostam's lasso around himself in anticipation of being hoisted to freedom. But the Bižan portrayed hardly gives the appearance of being incarcerated: well groomed, with youthful almost effeminate features, wearing fresh white clothing, vessels of food and drink at his side. The walls of the pit are coral-like craggy rock that curve inward to form a narrow opening at the top. Maniža, her features covered by a white čador, stands to the left of the opening, awaiting the emergence of her lover. The beacon fire still burns brightly before her, but the large boulder that blocked the entrance to the pit is nowhere to be seen. To simplify the composition, the artist has portrayed only three of Rostam's seven companions in the upper right, as representing the whole group.
Page: 35.4 x 21.8 cm. Painting with text and frame: 28.7 x 14.3 cm.
Text is written on a diagonal above and below the painting and on the right side; the diagonal text on the lower half of the page is at the opposite incline from that on the top half. In addition, there are small blocks of four column horizontal text consisting of one or three lines each inside at the corners of the painting. Gilt interlinear decoration permeates the text. No indications of damage or retouching. The painting is reportedly signed in the lower margin by Moʿin Moṣavver.
For later versions of this scene painted by Moʿin, see Ms. C f.176v, Ms. E no. 5, and Ms.G f184.
Location: The Israel Musem, Jerusalem #B69-0625. Formerly in the Davud Collection.
Painting references:
Milstein,Israel_1984, pp.86 and 89, no.65 (ill. in color).
Cambridge Shahnameh Project
Text references: Warner, III, pp.344-46; Mohl, III, p.312; Levy, p.170.
Robert Eng
Last Updated: March 31, 2011. Originally published: March 31, 2011