Location: present whereabouts unknown; formerly in the possession of Alex Gallery, NYC
Mount: inky blue mount 32.0 x 23.4 cm; cream collar.
Written surface: dimensions not known
Painting: dimensions not known
Text references: J.K., p.291 line 2 to p.292 line 2.
Date of this event: 914/late in 1508
In 914/1508 the Safavids captured Baghdad. The text states that after inspecting a building that he had ordered in that city, Esmāʿil went to visit Tāq-e Kasrā at Ctesiphon, where he was told by the inhabitants that there was a large lion creating a nuisance and hindering free movement. The nobles accompanying Esmāʿil wanted to take care of the lion, but the shah insisted that he deal with the animal personally. To their amazement, with one shot Esmāʿil killed the lion and ordered the skin stuffed.
Cf. Manuscpt L, f.145v for an earlier rendition of this scene by Moʿin.
Painting references:
Safavid_2002, colour plate IV, #10.3
Provenence: Formerly in the possession of the Alex Gallery, NYC.
Robert Eng
Last Updated: August 1, 2011 | Originally published: August 1, 2011