<Home | <Moʿin Moṣavver Manuscripts | Shahnama of Ferdowsi
Manuscript D

A complete manuscript of high quality containing 232 folios measuring 35.3 x 24 cm. that constitute the second half of the Shahnama. Another volume that constitutes the first half of the epic is in the Aga Khan Museum, Toronto (Ms. C). The text is written in good nastaʿliq in four columns, twenty-five lines per page. There is one double page illuminated frontispiece (ff.1v and 2), and twenty-two paintings, all signed by Moʿin Moṣavver, which are for the most part clever solutions to unique compositional problems.

Dublin, Chester Beatty Library, Ms. no. 270.

The manuscript itself is undated, but the last painting (f. 223) is dated Mo˙arram 1066/ November 1655.

© The Trustees of The Chester Beatty Library,

BWG_1933, no.376 (no ill.).
Kühnel, Survey_1939, p.1893, pls.922-923.
Kühnel, Pantheon, fig.4.
Robinson, CB_1960, no.270 (no ill.)
Stchoukine, SA_1964, p.65 (no ill.)

Robert Eng
Last Updated: January 2, 2011 |
Originally published: May 6, 2003

folio 16v
folio 25v
folio 26
folio 31v
folio 44
folio 48
folio 53
folio 66v
folio 80

folio 83v

folio 89v
folio 95
folio 106
folio 109v
folio 110v
folio 163
folio 175
folio 186v
folio 189
folio 197v
folio 216
folio 223