Bibliography | A to G | H to P | T to Z |
Bibliography: R to S
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Robinson, PP_1965
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Robinson, Cochran4_1972
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Robinson, Colnaghi_1976
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Robinson, Keir_1976
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Robinson, India_1976
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Robinson, Rylands_1980
B.W. Robinson, Persian Paintings in the John Rylands Library. London, 1980.
Robinson and Sims 2007
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Sakisian, MP_1929
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Sarre-Mittwoch, ZRA_1914
F. Sarre and E. Mittwoch, Die Zeichnung von Riza 'Abbasi, Munich, 1914.
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Savory, Safavids_1980
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Schroeder, Fogg_1941
Eric Schroeder, Persian Miniatures in the Fogg Art Museum of Art. Cambridge, 1941.
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Shamlu, 1371/1992
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